Manna - Matcha Custard Mooncake "Japanese Isuzu x Japanese Mochi" Made with Marukyu Koyamaen's "Isuzu Premium Matcha", the crust is soft and the slightly sweet tea aroma slowly comes out. The filling is matcha custard and homemade Japanese mochi, which is smoky, fragrant and glutinous. Reheat for 3 minutes before enjoying. The tea aroma and mochi will hit it off immediately, and the tea aroma will soften the effect and it will be quite delicious.
Matcha Custard Mooncake "Japanese Isuzu x Japanese Mochi" Made with Marukyu Koyamaen's "Isuzu Premium Matcha", the crust is soft and the slightly sweet tea aroma slowly comes out. The filling is matcha custard and homemade Japanese mochi, which is smoky, fragrant and glutinous. Reheat for 3 minutes before enjoying. The tea aroma and mochi will hit it off immediately, and the tea aroma will soften the effect and it will be quite delicious.
£ 25.8
抹茶奶黃月餅「日本五十鈴 x 日式麻糬」 採用丸久小山園的「五十鈴上等抹茶」所製,餅皮偏軟,微甘茶香慢慢散發出來,內餡則是抹茶奶黃與自家製日式麻糬,煙煙韌韌香香糯糯,翻熱3分鐘後再享用,茶香及麻糬一拍即合,茶香軟效果會相當滋味。